Monday, April 04, 2011

Sitting Back, Collecting My "Un-Earned Paycheck"

I ran across some site that lets people complain about their landlords. Apparently there are "scum bags," "$%$#%**" and "%$^*!*&" out there posing as landlords. Who knew? 

Incidentally, she said the bathroom was "safe," but didn't say where the fan would be when she turned on the water.

If Only I Could Make the Landlords Switch For A Day

Right now I am particularly upset because it's Saturday morning, I don't have to work today, but I haven't been able to sleep since about 5 am because the landlords STILL haven't fixed the refrigerator which has been broken for the last 7 months. It will click as it tries to turn on, sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for hours on end, it's all random. And it all came together today when the smoke alarm started beeping some time before 5 this morning about once every 17 to 29 clicks of the refrigerator, so 2-4 times per minute. It's impossible not to count them. It's stink'n loud! So there is no sleeping. I lie awake and feel hatred pouring into my body from all the noise until I feel like I am going to explode. So I go into the bathroom, close the door, turn on the fan and the water to escape the noise. It's the only safe place.
I just wish with everything in me that I could switch with the landlords for a night, so they'd understand the situation. If only for two sleepless nights in a row they'd understand and maybe do something instead of sitting in their nice house collecting an un-earned paycheck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me. There are TONS of crappy landlords out there who won't fix anything. They want their rent check on time in full every month but they don't want to do anything for it other than provide a sub standard property. And before anyone says "well, if it was so sub-standard, why did you rent it?" Let me just say that very often a property looks great until you move in. There need to be more places where you can complain about your landlord. God knows there are enough of them to complain about the renters (credit bureau being one). I don't see a problem with the girls post. It sounds to me as if her landlord is crap and I feel for her (or him) to have to go through this.