Friday, February 11, 2011

Catch Phrase

On Friday, I managed to end four e-mails in two hours with, "thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance." Of course, this is a really nice way of saying to at least one recipient, "Bless your heart. Are you just too stupid to live or just too incompetent to do your job?" The rest of them got that message because I was on a roll.

The last person to receive my new catch phrase was Kirby. I asked my weekly question: what is going on with Leeds, ending it with "thank you in advance....yada yada." Lo and behold! He wrote me back in record time! I seriously didn't expect a response until Sunday or Monday. But no, Kirby was channeling the awesomeness that brought me to him in the first place and got back to me right away.

Kirby's news wasn't as exciting as I had hoped. The folks in Leeds are still there (surprise!). But they were served this past week. If you are counting, that would be four weeks from the time I asked for this to happen. Perhaps I should have used my new phrase on the process server. Maybe then those yahoos would have been served sooner.

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