Saturday, June 25, 2016


Just like the people of the UK who are now saying they, "had no idea what they were voting for/against" the Friendly Divorce is kind of taking that turn. Not on my end. I know exactly what I am voting for.

You see, Mr. Partner did not realize there would be money and rules involved. That was a bit of a shock to him. Yesterday, I sent him a list of outstanding bills and his first comment was (and WHY this was the first thing to got through his head, I will never know) when were Marty and I going to reimburse him for the outstanding bills--outstanding bills that haven't been paid by him, or anyone for that matter. That's why they are "outstanding." Nowhere in the e-mail did I say he was paying them or responsible at all for them. Nowhere.

Since then, I have sent him two more renditions of the outstanding bills. I have also sent him my proposed split, which actually goes along the lines of the Sunshines pay what they owe for "their" homes and the Partners take on the liabilities for the properties they are getting. Additionally, as this was the Sunshine's decision, we will cover attorney fees, dissolution costs and 2016 accounting fees. It is a rock-star of a deal for Mr. Partner. However, he has been eerily silent, which probably means something isn't sitting right. I know him. Somewhere he sees this as him getting the shaft. You know, because that is the kind of person I have proved myself to be for the past 14 years.

In addition to that, I am now cc'ing Mr. Partner on every e-mail I send out, sharing with him the decisions I made. I am not sure Mr. Partner realized how many decisions I make on a regular basis on his behalf. Then again, perhaps if I consulted with him on every decision I made for the past 14 years, we wouldn't have a gazillion homes and this entire prexit wouldn't be happening (or, it could have happened sooner).

One of Mr. Partner's big concerns from the get-go was that he wanted my help transitioning everything for next few months, as he doesn't have the relationships established over there. I know the tenants (and I don't see Ms. Angie and Mr. Partner being fast friends). I have the credibility. Though I was willing to a few weeks ago, it suddenly became clear to me during a conversation yesterday that he was not planning on paying me for my assistance. So, he may be in for a rude awakening (and he darn well better be nice to Ms. Angie!).

Our goal is to get this done prior to June 30. As I recall, in the UK, they have a two year transition plan. We are looking at a 5 day prexit.

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