Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Random Bama--The Disclaimer Edition

I got a cryptic e-mail from someone at my property management company last Friday. It said "I have reason to believe" Mrs. Martin moved out in the middle of the night. She ended it with, "But don't quote me on that." Not a problem. I don't know who this person who wrote me is anyway.

By the way, I do have reason to believe the tenant is still there. You may quote me on that.


It is tax season. For those of you who don't own an accidental business or two, you probably don't completely understand the significance of this. Essentially, Bliz, my bookkeeper, wonderful friend of 20+++ years and terrific travel companion handles our companies' financial statements, which I then give to Diamond Jim so he can figure out what the IRS gets from me.

This past week Bliz has been sending me e-mails and texts along the lines of, "There was a deposit on July 8th for $1437.28. Do you know what it is for?" I am answering as promptly as possible with my best guess. Hopefully I am close to correct. Because Uncle Sam gets a bit persnickety when I am wrong.

And finally, it occurred to me that I may sound pissy about the property management company, especially Flunky. Truth be told, I am pissy about them, especially Flunky. They may be the best property management Birmingham has to offer, but they have slid way down the hill from wonderful. For the most part I am polite and professional to them. Even when I don't want to be.  I leave most of my sarcasm for this blog instead.

I thought you should know, I really am a nice person. Most of the time.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

I know it's not a popular train of thought here in the South....but I save "nice" for those deserving of it....but that's just me.