Wednesday, October 28, 2015

That Monday

The O'le Accidental Business has been kinda busy lately. I would like to tell how productive this business has been, but as true in life, "busy" has nothing to do with productive.

Here's the back story: I had a home in property management. The tenant moved out. A former tenant contacted me and wanted to rent it. This was someone I know and trust. So, a couple of Fridays ago, I took the house out of property management. The following Sunday morning, I heard from Ms. Former Tenant: she wasn't moving in. So, I now have a vacant home that is out of property management.

Nevertheless, Carolsue came forward and instantly found me a potential renter. Bernice was looking to rent a home in Carolsue's neighborhood, but instead, Carolsue told her about my charming home and took her over to see it.

It turns out, Bernice loved my little home. She wanted to move in by Wednesday. And would I consider painting? And who was fixing the broken window? This is all Sunday evening.

So, that evening, I got on the computer and send a lovely note over to Luigi and Willy telling them yes, please put the home back in property management. Yes, I promise not to change my mind again. And by the way, Bernice will be calling first thing Monday morning to fill out an application. This, by the way, was a serious imposition on my part. I knew it when I did it, and hoped for the best.

I waited until Monday morning to send Flunky a note, sweetly asking him if he would pretty please fix the broken window, change the locks and paint the bathroom. And could he do it immediately, as the potential tenant was moving in on Wednesday.

As you three readers know, my relationship with Flunky the Maintenance Asshat is tenuous at best. And apparently word got back to him that I ratted him out to Luigi a few weeks ago. This probably was the reason--on a Monday morning, at a property management company, with all sorts of maintenance issues coming in from the weekend that should supersede a broken window and new locks--Flunky was so darn gracious with the "Yes, Ma'am, I would be (cough-cough) happy to help you," e-mails he sent me in reply.

Meanwhile, Carolsue was taking care of some other maintenance at the home for me. So, she was on hand to witness everything, when suddenly (and unbeknownst to me) Bernice, instead of high-tailing to the property management company to fill out an application, just decided to pop by and check on "her" home. All I knew was that I was getting texts in 20 minute intervals that said something alone the lines of "Will you fix this?" or "I haven't heard from the property management company yet." and other such nonsense. And, given it was a Monday, and I work for a Property Management company, I really didn't have the time or patience to continue to deal with Bernice.

Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I sent everyone who handles leasing as well as Luigi himself a note saying "Please, someone call her! She wants to move in by Wednesday." Finally someone reached out to Bernice and scheduled her to come in Tuesday morning to fill out an application.

To be continued

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