Friday, October 09, 2015

Just In Time

This past week, Flunky the Maintenance Asshat pestered me to approve the quote he gave me to have the watershed issue abated at my Fultondale home. I ignored him for several days, happily deleting his texts and filing his unread e-mails. Incidentally, the quote was significantly less, and much more reasonable, than his first "this is the only one you are going to get from me and leave me the heck alone you stupid woman who knows nothing," quote he presented me months ago.

One of the legitimate reasons I did not approve the quote right away was that I wanted Mr. 114 to take a peek and give me his professional opinion. After all, Mr. 114 does this kind of thing for a living. In this case, Mr. 114 happens to live on the smack-dab other side of town and it just isn't worth it to him to take on this job (though I begged). Eventually he graciously got back in touch with me. And yes, he gave me his blessing.

My real concern is my tenants. They have been there since 2010. They love the area. In fact Mr. Fultondale grew up in the neighborhood and fondly tells me every time I inspect the home how he used to camp in the woods approximately where my home is currently situated. The tenants keep the house in cherry condition. And through this entire ordeal, it never strayed from my mind that these folks are the unfortunate pawns in this game.

It wasn't that I wanted to hurt them. My tenants don't deserve to be put in the middle of a battle of wills between Flunky and my wallet. Nor did they sign up for a home where their basement was uninhabitable. And, if Flunky had provided me with a reasonable quote back in June, or even a second quote when I asked for it in July, there wouldn't have been a situation where the tenants couldn't use the basement for months on end.

While all this was going on, I was also keenly aware my tenants' lease is up at the end of this month. It would have been completely reasonable for them to pack up and move under the circumstances. I know I would consider doing so. Additionally, I knew if they did pack up and move, we would either 1) still have to get the work done and have to pay the turnover costs associated with having a vacant home or 2)--and this was the more likely scenario--give this home back to the bank. Neither appealed to me. Fortunately, it appears this was resolved in time and it won't be an issue after all.

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