Tuesday, July 16, 2013


One of the most annoying lessons I have learned from this whole landlord-thingy is to interpret silence.

When I don't hear from stable, long term tenants it means everything is ok.

When I don't hear from needy, drama-driven tenants is means everything is not ok. I will be in for a sob story about how rent is late because the rent money was conveniently stashed in their pocket while they dutifully were walking to the post office to mail me the rent and they got mugged by a gang of preschoolers who wanted the loot so they could buy cookies and chocolate milk.

When I don't hear from lawyers it means I am being blown off.

When I don't hear from Mario the property manager it means he has nothing to say (which works for me).

When I don't hear from Kirby it means he doesn't have time to respond to my 176 texts, e-mails and phone calls from me, all asking what is going on with my vacant home and the other pressing issue I threw his way.

Guess who was supposed to get in touch with me a week ago?

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