Thursday, November 06, 2008

Wrapping up a Few Loose Ends

Yesterday, long after my plane had left back to Phoenix, Ms. Robin went over to her new house to check out the progress. She looked over Carolsue's work and is now happy. I am happy too. Carolsue worked very hard.

However, it came to my attention this week that Wayward did scrape the copper piping for the washing machine and ice maker. Those are being replaced today or tomorrow. At which time, I will take the bill for this and send it to Lana, who can give it to Alpha Boss. How this was missed when Alpha and his flunkies walked through that home is beyond me.

Ms. Robin was somehow under the false impression I was letting her move in on the 8th and then then allowing her to pay on the 15th. I am saddened, as I had such high hopes for Ms. Robin. She acted so much more together than to pull this armature stunt. Instead, I just told her, "I am sorry if you somehow got the wrong impression" (that I would be so stupid as to let you move in for free and then pay me later). Come on! When is any of us allowed to pick up groceries and then pay for them a week later?

Carolsue tells me there are two ghosts at the home. She said one pushed her yesterday. "Is there any chance you just tripped?" I asked. Carolsue assures me there was no chance. She is even sending me a picture of the bruise on her leg to prove this.

I have been concerned about how the ghost(s) would get along with my new tenants and if Ms. Robin had noticed any strange activity. She hadn't. But Carolsue, who is knowledgable about such things, enlightened me. Apparently, if one isn't in tune to ghosts, they may never notice them there, with both parties peacefully co-existing. I guess I tuned out.

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