Monday, November 24, 2008


Today, I took a good hard look at the state of our company. It is about as awful as I expected it to be. I only looked because Mr. Partner is asking for some information. This of course, is information he is entitled to. Money hasn't been misappropriated. Nobody is stealing. It has been spent on things like furnaces with gas leaks. Hot water heaters. Clean up on Mr. Smith's former house. Paying the utilities for vacant homes. Harvard tuition for Eaglet. You know, expenses.

There is something liberating at looking at really bad news. It doesn't make the situation any better, but the brain starts working. Survival skills kick in. It is amazing how solutions flow when the only other alternative is failure.

It isn't pretty. But, through responsibility comes creativity and solutions. We have weathered this far and if we can make it past this hump we can be in the black again. This is nothing like this past summer. And, we made it though that.

You know what? It isn't the end of the world. The bills are still getting paid. We have the money to pay the mortgages and maybe a little left over to pay for the plumber. The reality is we are making it. Barely.

Once upon a time we were profitable. It will happen again.

1 comment:

BusyMommy said...

I think you have a beautiful outlook. I envy it.