Sunday, November 02, 2008

Just Your Average Boring Sunday

I woke up today, completely lost as to my surroundings. That usually doesn't happen. After a moment, the fog lifted. Duh. I was still in Birmingham. And, today is my free day. With the exception of tonight, the errands today are mostly my own.

Tonight I am meeting Legal Eagle and her Eaglet for dinner to discuss tomorrow's hearing. I am glad she is bringing Eaglet. I miss my kids so and any substitution is fine by me.

But first, as I was getting ready, I played my "election hell game." I set my timer on my phone, turned on the television to a random news station and timed how long it took to hear someone utter one of the following words: McCain, Palin, Obama or Biden. I did this four times, with longest time being 14 seconds, the shortest being two seconds. My game didn't last very long.

After a quick trip to the grocery store to find bottled water, oranges and peanuts, I headed out to check on some of my homes. I even took a few pictures that I may eventually post. I drove by seven of them. There would have been an eighth, but I couldn't find it.

On my way out to Leeds and also to see what Mr. Smith was up to, I called Bliz who gave me a quick pep-talk/therapy session about tomorrow's court date. (Come to think of it, Bliz has been my therapist since I dated Mark Rivas my Junior year in high school.)

The house in Leeds is still standing. Jack's for sale sign was in the trash can. I heard one of the neighbors had moved it to his trash can earlier last week and Carolsue had fished it out and planted it back in the yard. I guess the neighbor was just too lazy to walk the sign back across the street. This time I took the sign and moved it to my trunk. Real estate agent signs aren't cheap.

Apparently Ms. Betty has made herself welcome, because there was a UPS package waiting on the doorstep for her. She isn't moving in until Wednesday. I made sure to hover around the home for a while, hoping one of the neighbors would come out and say hello. I really have a few things to say to the neighbors. Unfortunately, they didn't show. Cowards.

Speaking of cowards, I drove by Mr. Smith's soon-to-be-former home. The front door was wide open and I could see a Mr. Smith-shaped silhouette in the living room. As I drove past, I saw his brand-new shiny pick up truck parked around the back yard, tailgate down, loaded with items. I also saw a very full trash can along the side too. I would like to take this as a very optimistic sign they are moving out. But, I won't. Not yet.

I then went to meet Carolsue at Ms. Robin's soon-to-be new home. Carolsue has done quite a bit to the place. It is almost ready. Carolsue tried to get Ms. Rose to come out. And she swore she saw a shadow at one point. I did not. Nor did I hear the footsteps Carolsue heard. And, I did hear a noise that I was able to identify as the ceiling fan in the kitchen. My arm did get suddenly cold for no reason. Feeling like a fool, I talked to Ms. Rose, explaining how I am sorry for Wayward and hope felt the new tenants would be much nicer to her home.

I also gave the same speech to one of the neighbors who had a few opinions they wanted to share with me about Wayward. It was suggested I come back tomorrow and give the speech a third time to Wayward's next door neighbor as well. I am not sure about that. I can handle Ms. Rose, but when it comes to Wayward's former neighbors, I am feeling like a coward.

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