Homes in Birmingham also are exotic to me. I really don't like the wood-framed stuccoed multi-dimensional banal pale pink with salmon-colored roofs the Phoenix metro area has. Birmingham has primarily older brick homes with white trim. Or, brick foundation with some sort of veneer siding.
When I visit, I spend about as much time with Jack playing "Is that a..." plant game as I do looking at homes with him. I saw a magnolia tree and holly for the first time in my life on this past trip.
The lots are larger and many back yards don't have fences. Here every home is encased with a six food wood or block barrier. I wonder if we Phoenicians would be somewhat friendlier if we didn't treat our homes like fortresses. This particular home has a large front porch--just like every other home on this street.
I think this particular home and this particular neighborhood is simply charming. This neighborhood is all brick, large, stately trees that overhang into the wide streets. There are mini-antebellum type homes all over this block. I just happened to buy one that wasn't.
By the way, one of the homes I posted yesterday or today is Wayward's former residence.
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