Saturday, November 01, 2008

Business Trips

Years ago, when I was immersed in my 20s and had a professional office job. I thought business travel was fun. This lasted about two trips. The first trip was such a novelty to be elsewhere that I didn't realize how much it stank until the second trip.

The second trip was a trade show I ran at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville. Every waking moment was spent in the convention center of this gorgeous green house-turned hotel where I was to schmooze, smile and pass out brochures to get others interested in our product.

During the week I was there, I went outside once, desperate for a walk and fresh air. In the hour I was gone, the senior vice president of our company made an unexpected visit to Nashville--and more importantly to my booth. In my defense, there were three other people manning the 10 by 10 booth space--all qualified to speak on our product. He didn't care. It was my head he wanted.

Business trips became a thing of the past when I started working for myself. Then I started managing rental homes in Alabama. And then, I had to deal with Mr. Smith. So, this trip is brought to you by my court date on Monday, where Mr. Smith can explain to a judge why he refuses to pay or move out of my home.

The Alabama business trips are slightly more fun than the trade shows and sales meetings of my past. At least I get to see some friends I have made along the way. I am usually busy, but get slightly more down time than the Nashville trade show.

But what I really hate most of all about business travel now is how much I miss my family. And, Mr. Smith making me have to go to court means I won't see my daughter's choir performance tomorrow. I have to miss "lunch with the grandparents" at my kids' school on Monday, where my son is taking his Pop-Pop for show and tell. My husband has to take over all of the things I usually do--and like to do. I don't get to kiss my kids good night. I don't get my normal life, all the things I volunteered for. And, it is all because this man will not leave my home.

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