Thursday, March 02, 2006

Random thoughts

The tax guy and I meet tomorrow. I am already tired from the thought of it all. I had to hunt down random year-end statements from mortgage companies and delve deep into the minds of my partners to figure out where they might have misplaced various items I need. Additionally, I have called a mortgage company or two and pretended to be the wives of two partners in order to get the information I need.

Tax season has kept me calling my bookkeeper 73 times a day. She and I are way too friendly these days. Unfortunately she charges by the hour. It isn't like we can just do lunch once a month and catch up. She lives 1700 miles away. But, she is the absolute best at what she does.

I have a squirrelly partner right now. Don't know what is up with that exactly. He is asking for reasonable things--such as income statements, etc.,--items he is entitled to. However, he is going about it in such a way that have caused me suspicion. I am more than happy to provide info, but the needle on my BS meter is spinning wildly. In general, the more high maintenance he is, the less likely I am to grow the business with him because I have other, low maintenance partners who would do backflips for business.

Which brings me to my favorite Low-maintenance-happy-to-do-backflips partner. The man is as low-key as one can get and still be conscious. I gave him the preliminary balance sheet today and told him there might be a few adjustments but the main numbers won't change. This man actually cracked a smile and said, "this is awesome!"

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