Sunday, March 26, 2006

Trying to Give Money Away

I have a basic rule in life. Never beg anyone to do business with me. Plumbers for the most part are excluded when I am ailing, but otherwise, this is a stead-fast rule.

However, for whatever reason, people in Birmingham don't want my money. For example: I am looking for a new loan officer. Here's a snippet of what I have dealt with: my former loan officer botched up my last loan so bad, I am still reeling. I just got a bill for something he forgot to include in the last escrow. He and I don't see eye to eye on my priorities and although a truly nice guy and a super human being, we just aren't a good fit. So, I have been interviewing potential loan officers.

Potential Loan Officer #1: been in the business two years. Never has done an investment loan. Is "willing to learn." That's nice, but not at my expense.

Potential Loan Officer #2: retired from a company he spent 35 years building, works part time and likes to travel. He's been doing this about two years part time. I think his love for travel will win out in the mid-run.

Potential Loan Officer #3: informed me he doesn't want to waste his time with something that "may not pan out" and will call me if he has any loan programs. Um... I closed 9 last year, I think my loans can pan out. Oh well.

I am looking for carpet for one of my rentals. I have called "the best flooring guy in Birmingham" TWICE and have yet to hear from him. Tomorrow I think I will call the second best flooring guy in Birmingham and see if my money is good enough.

I am trying to get some title work done. I have called two title companies. Number one said they would get back to me. I haven't heard anything. Number two apparently is on vacation with the carpet guy.

If I were closer, I could just find these companies myself. But, I rely on the good word of people over there. So far, I am thoroughly discouraged. Who knows, maybe Arizona money isn't green enough.

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