Thursday, February 02, 2017

Mr. Ex-Partner's E-Mails

Yesterday Mr. Ex-Partner sent two e-mails to me. The first one started with, "NO. I will absolutely..." and I stopped reading. I could already tell his e-mail was counter-intuitive to my quest to simplify my life and find inner peace. Besides, I hadn't sent him anything, so his note wasn't directed at me. However, for whatever reason, he felt whomever had offended him was someone I know and should be involved with. I didn't finish it. Instead, I immediately filed it, took a deep breath and moved on.

About three minutes later, another e-mail came from him. In the subject line he wrote, "When can I expect to see my K-1?" I was certain that e-mail was for me. It did nothing for my inner peace, so I filed that one too. Then I sent a note to Marty telling him to tell Mr. Ex-Partner to stop contacting me. I just wasn't up whatever was going on yesterday.

It turns out Mr. Partner's first e-mail was to Flunky. For whatever reason, Flunky sent him a message demanding Mr. Ex-Partner's social security number Of course, Flunky et. al., never managed Mr. Ex-Partner's homes, so why would he need this? I have my suspicions, and those suspicions are based on the weird and wildly inaccurate 1099 I received this past week from them that I had to ask to be redone (and it probably won't be). Truly, the only reason I finally bothered to read this e-mail hours later was Marty Sunshine described it as Mr. Ex-Partner giving Flunky the verbal finger. It was nice to see it wasn't me having to react to something they screwed up this time.

Embolden by Mr. Ex-Partner's first message, I opted to read the second one. Unfortunately, this one was addressed to me. Where was his K-1 statement? After all, it is February 1 and, according to him, it should be done by now. Mr. Partner even magnanimously offered to pay for Diamond Jim's tax bill this season for these returns, which is pretty darn funny, because the dissolution agreement requires him to pay it. There's no reason not to let him feel charitable.

I did remind Mr. Ex-Partner we need the mortgage interest statements from him for his properties--homes that were in our joint LLC until June 30, 2016. This did not sit well with Mr. Ex., and for a moment, I kind of knew how Flunky must have felt reading these e-mails. When he calmed down ("that is personal and confidential..."). I quickly and reminded him, if we don't see those mortgage interest statements from him, he doesn't get his K1. I am in no hurry to file, so whenever he feels up to giving us what we need, we will take care of it.

After all that was done, I then once again reminded Marty I am out of the accidental business business.

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