Friday, January 27, 2017


I was fired today. I should care. I really should. But they beat me to the punch. Flunky's e-mail said they have "terminated" their services, which at this point weren't much. Which begs another question, why if I blocked his e-mail address, am I getting e-mails from Flunky? But my technological issues are for another blog.

To be fair, I only skimmed the e-mail, but given the title was "termination of services" I figured I got the gist. My last e-mail to them before being fired was me pointing out where the law was on my side. I gleaned from what I saw they consulted with someone and decided I knew more than I should about property management, and certainly more than they did. They are treading in dangerous waters and if their actions with me don't bring them down, their actions with someone with more resources and time will.

To be fair, this isn't that much of an upset. I had planned on approaching Luigi about taking the remaining homes out of management next week. Luigi is a coward for not writing me himself, but hey, if Flunky is the mouth-piece for his organization, that speaks volumes.

When I read his e-mail I noticed he gave me a few property management companies to contact, all of which I am certain he hates. He gave me 30 days to transition. I wrote back and said, "Why wait? Send me everything now." I'm ready.

Update: Ok, I don't understand exactly but they are (currently) planning on managing my home at Waterford Lane. I don't have the fight in me right now to figure out why. But, I am feeling kind of sorry for the tenants at Waterford right now.

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