Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Random Bama

It turns out the deadbeats in my Pinson have officially been evicted. However, they aren't out last I heard. Apparently I need to fork out more money to pay the local sheriff to kick them out to the curb. That's tomorrow's task.

I am overwhelmed at the kindness from those of you who have reached out to me to see if I was ok about what is going on in our accidental business. I am at peace with everything going on. At least right now.

And thank you for asking. Today I am fine. I am aware it will probably get worse before it gets better.

I had lunch with Mr. Partner yesterday. Though he is intimately aware of our situation, he seems to be of the opinion we can salvage the home in Pinson. "File and insurance claim!" was his mantra.  I think (and I didn't want to burst Mr. Partner's optimistic outlook) we can file a claim, make some of the repairs and still loose this house. Time will tell. First the idiots need to leave.

I spent part of my day with Diamond Jim working on tax issues today. Our taxes are complicated. I am a reasonable record keeper, but more with an artistic flair. Nor do I care if this or that is missing--which apparently can be a big issue. This does not work well for Diamond Jim, who told me I was driving him bonkers. He certainly wasn't winning any Mr. Congeniality awards either today, but I give him leeway: he is over 70, working 13 hours a day and he lost his wife less than three months ago.

The Arizona Diamondbacks look to be pretty crummy this year. I am hoping, though my expectations are low, they figure out how to pleasantly surprise me.

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