Monday, March 09, 2015


If I write too much right now, it will just be a whiny blog about how tired and sick I am. I really am missing the moments of gratitude in this trip. And, I know it. But I don't feel gratitude. I feel tired. And sick.

And whiny.

I purposely don't allow myself to engage in pity-parties on a regular basis. But lately I have felt one brimming to the surface, like a boiling pot with a lid affixed tightly. Earlier today, when I was on an emotional low, I called Carolsue to cheer me up. Just being in the same town as her brings me comfort.

There. A gratitude.

Today was a mixed day. My homes in Shelby County were in great shape. I could not ask for better, stable tenants who are happy and love where they live. Luigi and Willy were friendly and gracious hosts. The afternoon's adventures were not as wonderful and overshadowed the whole day. For that matter, they have overshadowed the last two months. I will write more on that later.

Also, because I was the passenger and didn't have much of a choice, visited an attorney of Luigi's who was assisting him in some business. I zoned out in the office, thinking of days gone by and how Birmingham "used to be" for me. This particular attorney knew Late Attorney Jon. In the past, there had been a couple of times Late Attorney Jon suggested I call this guy when something was out of Jon's scope of reference. This attorney was also the closing attorney for one of my homes back in the day--though I don't know if he would remember me. Probably not. But he runs in the same circles as the folks I used to deal with.

Watching the lawyer today got me thinking. And made me a bit sad for Late Attorney Jon's family. I wasn't expecting that. I knew I would have to deal with this later this week (I am visiting Attorney Flip's office Wednesday), but this was a double blow to the sucker punch that was my afternoon.

Right now I am on my way to dinner. Then bed. Perhaps with some food in my system and an alka-seltzer or two, I might feel a bit more grateful.

Wait. It looks like I did write too much.

1 comment:

CarolSue said...

I am never happier than when you are in town! Thank you for the kind words. I love you dearly.