Monday, April 15, 2013

Probably Not a Failure

Saturday afternoon, Marty Sunshine and I sat in Diamond Jim's office while I signed the final tax return for our now-defunct accidental business. Silent emotions set in, my hand shaking and my lip quivering as I signed away. I decided crying in front of my 70 year old accountant was not in good form. Even if it is Diamond Jim.

Marty has continually reminded me closing down our now-defunct corporation is a strategic decision, not a failure. The business no longer serves the purpose it was designed to serve. We don't hold mortgages for our tenants any more. The housing market tanked. Kirby and Mario handle most of the day-to-day management for our rentals--which we still have. Bliz has comforted me with similar sentiments. Both are repeating the words I have said before: essentially, it is not a failure to close our virtual doors.

But right now it feels smack dab like a major failure. My failure.

I will eventually get over my sadness. We have a lot of changes happening around here at the Sunshine homestead that are providing unique challenges for our future. And perhaps, as time goes on, I will come to think of letting go of the accidental business as a major relief.

And not a failure.

1 comment:

CarolSue said...

Failure is when you are forced to shut your weren't have just regrouped your efforts and streamlined your business to suit the current goals which have shifted from the goals you set when you first opened your business.