Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My First Call Monday Morning

So... I was woken up Monday morning by Cassie. And damn! Was she ever perky! You see, Cassie was an appraiser. She was "ordered" to do an appraisal on Ms. Shirley's house. And when could she get inside?

"The house isn't for sale." I replied through a sleepy fog.

"Oh, I know it isn't for sale!" Cassie replied with way too much enthusiasm, and acting like we were just the best of friends sharing a funny secret. "But the bank has asked me to do an appraisal anyway. So, when can we make an appointment to get in?"

We can't make an appointment for a myriad of reasons. Now I was awake, I started with the most obvious: "I don't know who you are..."

"I'm Casie the appraiser," she interrupted, like that somehow added a certain amount of credibility to this phone call.

I started over, "I don't know who you are and the house isn't for sale. So, if the bank wants an appraisal, they can call me and tell me they want an appraisal." Cassie started to interrupt with her credentials again, but I stopped her. "So, have the bank call me, tell me why they want an appraisal first, and then we can talk."

Cassie didn't seem to think this was a very good solution, but that's ok. If the bank really wants an appraisal done on my home (which can happen--but usually that only happens when they are calling the note due. I pay on time, so there is no reason to call the note due) the bank is welcome to call me to discuss.

But more to the point, I am not buying this. Something doesn't smell right. Hopefully the bank will get back to me soon. Otherwise, Cassie the Appraiser can just call someone else and be perky with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perky annoys me..........