Saturday, August 02, 2014

Oh... It Is Plausable

So, I was talking to Carolsue on Thursday. And she suggested when I pull my home from Mario, I give it to her friend Adam.

Adam is a real estate agent. He impressed me beyond belief last year when I saw how hard he worked to sell a $25k home. Most agents won't even touch homes where the commission is less than their electric bill, but Adam was the Energizer Bunny.

In all fairness he has done everything he should do to earn my business. The timing has been bad. But it has occurred to me (repeatedly) that if I had given him the home in Leeds to sell it would have been sold by now.

Back to Adam... Carolsue suggested I contact him to handle the property management instead of giving it to Mario. Since my conversation with her, Marty Sunshine and Mr. Partner have nixed the idea, but I had my reasons why it wasn't a place I should go.

Adam is one guy, he isn't a property management company. Most likely we would be in a situation where I had more involvement in the process than I care to have. I don't need that. I lived that for years and I promise, I don't want to go backwards. If you don't believe me when I tell you it was stressful, please feel free to check this blog's archives.

As a corollary to Adam being a one-man show, there are other considerations. And that's where my chat with Carolsue got interesting. "What if Adam got hit by a bus? Who would manage the home then?"

Carolsue replied with some mundane answer which didn't really make me feel any better. So, I continued, "And what if the person driving the bus is the tenant he is managing?"

"Now you are just talking crazy." Carolsue accused. "That just isn't plausible."

Oh really?

At that point I gave her a laundry list of implausible situations that have happened to me since I started this accidental business. Some of them you will never find in this blog (but if you want to know, it will cost you an adult beverage. I can be bought) and many more which are. I even included the story of a guy who once mowed the lawn for me. He accidentally ran over a yellow jacket hive. He is allergic to yellow jackets. As he ran to get away from the yellow jackets, he ran into the street and got hit by a car. If you don't believe me, here is the story.

So you see Carolsue. I want to save Adam's life. This is the easiest way I can think of that will ensure he won't be hit by a bus.

1 comment:

CarolSue said...

Too funny!!