Friday, December 06, 2013

Mario's Way or the Highway

Once upon a time, Mario called me up (at Carolsue's recommendation), introduced himself and told me he wanted to manage all my homes. I gave him one to try him out. While we were in the getting-to-know-you phase, Mario called me and asked for directions about the vacancy I had. I told him what I wanted done and without a moment's hesitancy replied, "Why don't you ask your husband what he thinks and get back to me."

Ten minutes after uttering those fateful words, he was on the phone with Marty Sunshine. Mario apparently lamented that perhaps his comment was a bit unseemly and he was pretty sure he lost any chance--ever--to manage all of my homes. Marty was sympathetic and non-committal to poor Mario, but the damage was done.

Though I am great at holding a grudge, it really isn't Mario's (Southern) attitude that kept me from dropping all of my rentals on his lap. It is the fact Mario is expensive. In the past, he has charged me a great deal of money--more than I have ever paid to turn over a vacant home. This has happened twice, with rent being withheld for months at a time. His vendors are pricey. I have worked hard to establish good relationships with my vendors but Mario won't use them unless I am forewarned there is an issue and I absolutely insist (which in the past I have). I can't prove it, but I suspect Mario's company tends to up charge his vendors. For example, if a tenant needs a plumber, he sends the plumber out, the plumber bills Mario's company and Mario's company adds a bit on top and bills me.

And then there is the issue of the useless expenses. One time the tenant had the AC company come out because they didn't change the battery in the thermostat. I fought with Mario's company about the $85 trip charge that I still don't think should have been billed to me for the tenant's laziness. Stupid expenses make me crazy. It isn't their money they are spending, it is mine.

Nor do I care for Mario's staff. I once sent an e-mail to one of Mario's minions asking a quick question. He replied, "go to our web site, log in and watch a video on how to handle this." All I wanted was the form needed to change the bank account number where we were getting our rent disbursement. I still haven't changed the bank account number because I can't figure out the stupid Web site and Mario's entire office insists on practicing tough love instead of customer service.

That said, Mario's folks have gotten the one house they manage of mine rented in record time. Twice. Perhaps it is the house (it is one of my nicest). Perhaps it is the neighborhood. Maybe they have just gotten lucky twice. But for whatever reason it is rented. For that I can't complain.

Kirby on the other hand doesn't nickle and dime me. I can use my own vendors and I have never gotten calls about tenants doing something stupid and me having to pay for it. However, Kirby has decided to sell his company. He has the right to do so. And Mario's company must be a decent fit for this merger. Kirby is big into service, happy owners (or at least happy me). But my houses are definitely vacant longer. And again, the houses Kirby is managing are in different neighborhoods and have a different feel than Mario's home, so I can't exactly conduct a scientific comparison.

I am not excited about this merger. The only certainty I have right now is that I do know I won't be managing these homes myself.

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