Friday, October 22, 2010

Rethinking My Priorities

The reason I have turned to a full-time real estate diva is partially because I am addicted to groceries, water and electricity. However, the rest of the reason is that we are hoping the extra income will go towards fixing our under-capitalized issues. That is, it would if we had any left after paying for groceries, water and electricity (Have you any idea how much food a 43 pound 8-year old can consume in one day?).

Anyway... I have been doing the real estate diva thing. This week I showed my clients a home waaaayyyy out in the Western part of the Phoenix metro area. As we pulled into the driveway, we were greeted by a stray pit bull. We weren't sure what to make of him, but my client decided I was in charge and thrust me between the dog, her and her three year old son. Turns out the dog was harmless.

However, the dog on Thursday I have my doubts about.

His name was--and I am not making this up--Rambo. (Yes, yes, yes! I am sure in other circumstances he is adorable.)  Rambo didn't have an ounce of fat on him. What he did have is a serious attitude problem. He followed us into every single room of "his" home, growling between the doorway and our destination. About half-way through this home, Rambo decided our tour was up. We heartily agreed. 

But, if Rambo wasn't enough. Also on Thursday we went out to the very Eastern edge of the Phoenix metro area--a place known to the rest of the educated society as the State of New Mexico. And there, coiled on the edge of the driveway--a million miles from civilization was a huge snake. I am pretty sure it was an anaconda.  It laid there, daring me to come closer. No problem on my end. I was done with that house. I didn't care if my client was or not.

You know, maybe I am making too big a deal of fixing my under-capitalized issues (or taking hot showers).


CarolSue said...

Maybe you should start specializing in high rise condo's??? Might be safer. Think I'd rather be mugged in the parking garage than attacked by either a bull dog or an anaconda.

Fiona D. said...

Sadly, we don't have high-rise condos here. Or, at least enough of them that I could "specialize."

Unknown said...

We also don't have anacondas, just a nice selection of rattle snakes.

CarolSue said...

Anaconda, rattle snake, cotton mouth, green garden snake or worm.......all can stay away from ME!! UGH!!

Fiona D. said...

Truth be told, it was actually a basilisk.