Thursday, July 31, 2008

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

This has been a yawn week. That doesn't mean there isn't anything going on. It just hasn't been newsworthy. Or, if it has been somewhat newsworthy, I have written it before.

For example. Mr. Smith is still renegotiating. My attorney asked about him calling my bluff. I am not bluffing. He is paying or going. I am clear on this and not feeling any more angst. Though, I have gotten to the point where I feel sorry for him. I would like to feel sorry for him while he is living somewhere else. All seriousness folks, this guy and his family could use a few prayers if you are feeling generous. I have been asking Him for guidance and direction for this family. I can only imagine the stress in that house and how it must be affecting all of them. It can't be peaceful.

My tenant who just won't leave. Still won't leave. The sheriff should be there next week. I hope.

My tenant I have been working with, I am still working with. We are dancing around deadlines. The usual. I have all my reinforcements in place, waiting for me to make the next call.

You know, yawn stuff.

I used to find the mundane issues I am seeing this week as annoying as the big-ticket items I am currently dealing with. Things like, "My rent will be late" (I gathered). "Your grass needs to be cut." (yep). "I sent you an invoice" (it has been forwarded to my bookkeeper). Now I find them to be a relief from the more intense and more bizarre.

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