Thursday, November 19, 2015

Done. Done. Done.

It appears there is administrative red tape for our deed in lieu of foreclosure.

Issue Number 1: "The appraiser can't access the property." I find this hard to believe for the following reasons:

1. The property management company has been more than willing to give out the keys, but nobody has come by.

2. There is a lock box on the property and I have given out the code to everyone East of the Mississippi who wants it (1966 if you care).

3. The house is missing the garage door.

4. The house is missing almost every window.

I am certain between reasons 1 and 4, someone can find their way into this house if they really want to go in it.

Issue Number 2:

Some lawyer somewhere wants a signed statement from our former partners saying they agree to this foreclosure. Good luck with that. They haven't been our partners since 2007. They may or may not be living in this country. If not, they are in Asia somewhere. In order for them to sign (and notarize) they would have to find an American Consulate. And the letter would have to be back before close of business next Wednesday. Yeah, that's not happening.

Because of these issues, our deed in lieu has become a judicial foreclosure. At this point, I just don't care.

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