Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Now Marty's Drama

So after several maddening e-mails with Flunky the Maintenance Asshat today I finally told him that I pay the property management company to handle these kinds of things . And as soon as he has done his job to find out what is really going on, he can let me know so that I can make an informed decision about what to do about the hot water heater.

Five minutes later Flunky wrote me back and said "I just want to know if you want to call a plumber or should I?"

Frankly, I don't know if I need a plumber. For all I know the tenant is whining about nothing and wants to get out of her lease (that happens. Often.). Of course, if a plumber is needed he should call. That's why he is the Maintenance Guy.

Also, I had already covered that particular topic in other exchanges with him today. He has yet to tell me what "not hot enough water" happens to be. Instead of replying, I did what any sensible wife would do. I forwarded the e-mail to Marty Sunshine and said, "You deal with this and make sure he doesn't contact me about this again."

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