Saturday, August 03, 2013

Possibly Flipping Forward

I proclaimed to Marty Sunshine at 7:30 a.m. that Attorney Flip was my second-favorite living attorney. I bizarre honor I am certain, but one he earned by e-mailing me on a Saturday morning.

Flip e-mailed me to ask me a quick question regarding how the wording of the deed for one of our homes should actually read. His e-mail was a suggestion that perhaps my small administrative matter was being handled and would be over soon.

I am hoping things are looking up. Because I need this resolved. It has been looming too long. 


Ernie said...

Sounds like enough folks called Flip to let them know you were lawyer shopping for him to figure out that a call to the BAR is either around the corner or already there. Lawyers = ugh.

Fiona D. said...

Whatever works. Who said shame was a bad thing?

Sue Harviel said...

Certainly not me