Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Flipping Estatic

The e-mail today from Attorney Flip started with "Booyah!" and I darn near lost it.

The stress from this particular issue--and there has been a bit--released as the adrenaline flushed from my body, leaving behind a peace in its wake. A peace I haven't felt in a long time.

My minor administrative issue is officially resolved. I will write about it later. I am still processing how grateful I am. And trust me, I am grateful. 


CarolSue said...

That is fantastic news!!! See? All it took were a bazillion phone calls, emails, thinly veiled threats, word getting around town, a phone call (or two) to the bar and some explosions. Nothing to it!

Fiona D. said...

You say, "explosion" like it is a bad thing?

CarolSue said...

Not when it gets the job done!