Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My To-Do LIst

I didn't think I had much to do in Birmingham until I started making my to-do list. Most people when they get ready to go somewhere actually pack. I blog.

So far I have made arrangements for Mr. Little to drop his keys off at my hotel.  I have a roofer lined up for my soon-to-be vacant home. I have Mr. 114 coming by to see if I can employ him and his new-fangled tractor to fix a grading issue there. I double-checked to make sure I have James-the-Hell's-Angel-Turned-Carpet-Installer's (cash only) phone number handy, in case Mr. Little is right about the flooring.

Additionally, I have warned Mrs. Green I will be swinging by to say hello. I have gotten in touch with Kirby and Daisy (Kirby's trusty assistant) about touring a few homes--including my house in Leeds and the Fultondale home, where the tenant yelled at me last time. Kirby and/or Daisy is also going to check out my vacant home with me and see what I can rent it for. In return for them taking a whole day out of their life, I will shower them with Girl Scout cookies--though they don't know it yet.

Mr. Wonderful, my former tenant, suggested I come by and say howdy. It is on the list. I have also, thanks to Carolsue, befriended a real estate agent who seems to be a go-getter. I would like him to tour my vacant home and give me an idea of what I can get for it. Also on my list is contacting Mrs. Sherwood--I still haven't written about her adventures, but let me just say I just payed the plumber and the electrician, both of whom have set up satellite offices in her basement.

For the first time since 2007, I have not told Jack I am in town. I am not sure I am ready to see him. I like him. I find he and Mrs. Jack to be great conversationalists. But, truth be told, I am not ready to field the awkward silence where he should be asking "How's the house I am no longer part owner in working out for you?" with me responding with "Vacant and needs a roof and possibly carpeting, thanks for asking".  Maybe I will change my mind, but right now I think I would like some time to pass before I broach that.

Rounding off the list is some well-deserved girlfriend time (more on that later), dinner with Carolsue--which includes peanut butter pie. I am sure there is more, but right now I need to get back to work in Arizona and prepare my clients, Girl Scouts and family for me being gone a few days.

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