Monday, September 24, 2012


Kirby, bless him, stopped everything he was doing on Monday morning and drove out to Moody Alabama to meet Ms. Kathy. I had told her he was "taking possession of the home" at 9 a.m., whether she liked it or not.

According to Kirby, she did not. But she left. And, I know you are all going to be utterly shocked by this--but she did not leave the home clean--even though she assured me for the past three weeks when she left the place would be cleaner than an OCD housewife's kitchen. Nor did she mow the yard, which I hear is out of control.

But, she is gone and my homeless shelter is now closed.


Lori said...

small favors!

Anonymous said...

that girl couldn't do anything the right way if her life depended on it. I swear! Her word is worth almost as much as the poop I clean out of my yard weekly! ARGH! I'm glad she's gone but I really hope she isn't living next door so she can run her mouth to whomever tries to view the property? Not that she would honestly have anything bad to say but you know her mind nothing is ever HER fault.