Friday, May 11, 2012

Time to Go

Marty Sunshine seems to think I need to go to Birmingham to check things out. His reasoning includes, but isn't limited to, the teensey tiny little fact that I have managed to avoid going for more than one year. 

I suggested he go. He explained he has that whole pay check thing going for him and couldn't get away.

I also suggested Mr. Partner go. Marty reminded me that I was already not on speaking terms with Mario, property manager number 2, and Mr. Partner probably wouldn't help relations much. Besides, I would also be doing errands that are not related to the LLC we have with Mr. Partner.

Though I have no idea when I am going to find time to do this, I am pleased to say there isn't any major pressing issues to handle in Birmingham--which brings up why I should have to go at all. However, I can probably come up with a list of errands if I tried real hard.

I guess I should try real hard.

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