Monday, January 23, 2012


I awoke on Monday to find a text from Carolsue. Tornadoes had touched down near her. And near Ms. Angie, Ms. Sherwood, Ms. Green and Mr. Little. And probably near a few others from what I have since read.

Ms. Angie was quick to get back to me when I sent her a note asking if she was ok. Yes. Yes she was. And by the way, thanks for the new roof! Mrs. Sherwood took several more minutes. Her home is on a hill, and if nothing else, she would be safe in the basement. And she was.

Kirby happens to live in the area hard hit, and I got in touch with him, in time for him to tell me he was fine (also, proving he CAN get back to me within 24 hours--I will keep that in mind for the future, but today isn't the day to ponder Kirby's skills).

I haven't heard from Ms. Green or Mr. Little. From what I can tell, they were really close to the epicenter of the whole mess. If you feel inclined, please say a prayer, light a candle or just send some positive vibes to them. Hopefully they will get in touch with me soon.

Update: Mr. Little got back to me. He said there is "signifcant damage" about a mile north--which is exactly where Mrs. Green lives. No word from her yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last I heard there were still some 20,000 folks without electricity and a ton of folks in the trussville area were evacuated due to the multiple gas leaks. They may not have charged their cellphones before all of this and can't call right now. fingers crossed and candles lit!