Thursday, July 31, 2014


To give you a brief back story: my home on Hysteria Lane has been vacant for almost a month. I have been frantically e-mailing Bruce, Mario's minion asking questions. I gave the directive early this month: "price the place competitively." I have repeatedly asked what was going on and didn't get an answer.

Then early this week I got some sort of automatic e-mail telling me, great news! I had one showing this month. And because Bruce is continually ignoring me, I contacted Mario and asked what was going on. Mario, who really is probably the biggest jerk jackass I have never had the pleasure of meeting, told me that some dude named Willy is my contact.

And then Mario told me I should know that, duh!

When I responded saying I was frustrated because this very nice home which should easily rented wasn't and that I didn't feel Mario and his minions were giving it any priority, Mario sent me a snarky defensive note and there was no mistaking his annoyance.

He apparently disagreed and told me 1) I was the one who priced the house too high (I wasn't involved in the pricing, and besides, it was the same amount the home has been rented for since 2004) and 2) Willy had been keeping in touch with me and why wasn't I working with him? The subtext was "shut the hell up you stupid Yankee woman."

I finally dug up the one and only note from Willy written to me on July 10. It said:

Bruce asked me to reach out to you and let you know that we are going to get your property out for lease ASAP.

Thank you,
I have a pet peeve about strangers staring e-mails to me with, "Hey". In Alabama, I am pretty sure it is poor manners too. But I digress.

I did forward that particular e-mail to Mario along with this message: 
Mario: This is the sum and total of Willy's communication with me. This doesn't tell me he is in charge of leasing my home. He makes it sound like he is just doing Bruce a quick favor. This e-mail is from July 10. That's it. 

I haven't heard back from Mario. However, if the place isn't rented by Monday, we will be pulling it from Mario's property management clutches. I am guessing at this point, he probably won't be too upset.

Carolsue tells me the home is too classy for Mario's typical slum homes. Hm... Maybe that's the problem.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

As an expert on Southern manners (having more than multiple decades of being southern)I concur. To begin a business email with the word "Hey" is more than rude....come to think of it, it's rude in any situation. It's so highly regarded as rude that in the south we actually have a comeback whenever anyone ever says "Hey" to us. We say, "Hay is for horses". The only exception is when you begin one with "Hey there" and only then if it's someone you are close friends with. Now. All cleared up??