Friday, September 15, 2006


I started this blog as therapy. I never have (or will) expect anyone to care about my life. But, there are things I just cannot discuss with the general public and it gets old to have a one topic conversation with my family and friends.

After my last post, I have been thinking quite a bit about some of the changes I need to make. I have also been thinking about my eager-beaver somewhat silent partner. It occurred to me that he believes in what we are doing and wants more. So, today I asked him to go to lunch to discuss the future growth of our company. I just want his input and I made it clear I didn't want to discuss financial. Lunch isn't set up just yet. But I am interested in seeing what happens. It is ok if we don't meet. But it is time for another's perspective.

After my last post, I also started thinking about what I want to accomplish. I want to help people. Oh, and I want to make money too. But, putting the business aspect aside. I really do want to do some good. I know what this looks like in the context of my company. But, I have seen, today alone, an unusual offshoot. I heard from three tenants today.

Tenant 1: wanted advice about starting his own company.
Tenant 2: wanted my opinion about matters of the heart
Tenant 3: just wanted to say "hey!"

Nobody called to tell me they had a leaking sink. These people really don't know me. I have met two of them face-to-face once, for three hours. I am floored. I really have a great group of tenants--and I know it. And, I am grateful.

I threw back out to Nos: 2 and 3 some ideas I am kicking around about growing our company, hoping they will share with me their perspective. One gave me some interesting suggestions. I don't know if the other will or not. My goal really is to open up to the universe my wanting of help to grow. It is also my way of recommitting to what I have started.

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