Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Rule

Last year when my agent started getting involved in what I was doing, every once in a while she would call me and say "new rule...." and then proceed to tell me what I was going to do. I didn't take offense to this, as she is just helping me grow my business.

My bookkeeper got involved and she also says "new rule" when it comes to some of the zen accounting practices she was dealing with early on. (for the record, my accounting practices were zen--which does not mean unscrupulous or illegal).

Now, I have another house I am trying to sell and I have run into an interesting situation. The tenant purchasing the home has a judgment on her credit. A judgment means she cannot get a loan until the judgement is paid off. This isn't my rule. This is the lender's rule. My new rule is not to take tenants who have unpaid judgments.

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