This isn't the worst of what the 508s did, but it is probably enough for those of you on the fence, thinking about toying in rental properties.
Random thoughts on the daily grind of managing rental homes from 1,700 miles away, with a random comment about Diamondbacks baseball added when the occasion arises.
This isn't the worst of what the 508s did, but it is probably enough for those of you on the fence, thinking about toying in rental properties.
The Arizona Department of Real Estate insists I declare on social media, text messages and e-mails that I am a licensed agent. I guess this blog counts too--though I use a pseudonym and I have three readers. But in the event I ever accidentally discuss the Arizona Real Estate market, home prices and/or anything else that might imply agency on this blog, you need to know: I'm a licensed real estate agent in the State of Arizona.
From a designers viewpoint, I think the hole opens the master bedroom AND the secondary bedroom up making both appear more spacious and since the secondary bedroom faces the south, it allows light to pour into the master. So, you see, they were only trying to redesign the space and add to the value of the home. Some people just don't appreciate good design. Really.
as long as it doesn't affect your friendship
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