This blog is the day in a life of an accidental business. Sometimes my personal life overlaps into the business life. This is one of those situations.
I don't wish to sensationalize Mrs. 508's plight. Hollywood would probably turn it into something glamorous, but it wouldn't change the fact there is now a young orphaned boy involved. Though I have never personally met the 508's I am astounded by their generosity. With all of Mr. and Mrs. 508's financial burdens, they still found room in their hearts and lives for a young child.
The other day I was carefully telling my six year old son about this. He asked questions which led to a delicate explanation, where I did my best to explain the evil heart of others and a heinous crime, all while hoping I was preserving his innocence. I didn't have all the answers, but my Buckaroo got the gist.
After, he asked if he could take the Build-A-Bear gift card he received for his birthday and give this little boy a present. "Yes, I said. But, you need to understand, you aren't getting another gift card. If you use this, it will be gone."
"I know," he replied. "But I have toys and I have a mommy. He doesn't."
On Tuesday, I took my agoraphobic self to the mall with Buckaroo. We went to the Build-A-Bear shop. Buckaroo picked out a bear. After it was filled, he tested how soft it was by squishing it a few times, just to make sure this little boy would be able to hug it. He lovingly cleaned the bear thoroughly with the air hose. After some deliberation, he selected a generic baseball outfit for the new bear. All the while, Buckaroo was telling the bear how he needed to be a good friend to this child. Buckaroo would then make the bear answer in a gruff voice, "You can count on me!" Then, Buckaroo named him "Happy."
Build-A-Bear shipped out my package for me. Next week, a motherless toddler is going to get a special treasure, carefully selected by a boy with a big heart.
Way to go, Buckaroo. Proud moment for Momma.
Crying. What a beautiful, generous child you are raising. You are obviously doing something exactly right.
Teary. Precious!
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